The lake’s ecological status is satisfactory and the majority of its waters are supplied by the Hauho watercourse. Hauhonselkä’s inflow channel is the short River Alvettulanjoki, which also carries the waters of Iso-Roine. The lake’s outflow channel is the River Kyllönjoki, which drains via Pintele into Lake Mallasvesi.

Ilmoilanselkä’s fish population includes trout, vendace, pike, perch, bream and pike-perch. Pike are abundant and often interfere in jigging for perch and pike-perch by cutting fishing lines with their sharp teeth. There is a good boat launching spot next to the old Alvettula bridge, and you can often find good-sized perch hiding among the bridge piers. In addition to jigs, the lake’s perch are partial to traditional Mepps and Lotto spinners. You can also catch good-sized pike-perch near the edges of the basins, and according to a pike-perch growth survey conducted by Hämeen kalatalouskeskus, the pike-perch of both Hauhonselkä and Ilmoilanselkä grow quite rapidly.
Fishing permits:
EUR 30/year or EUR 10/week
Group/competition permit, winter EUR 1/day, minimum EUR 35
Competition permit/summer for a boat per day EUR 5/minimum EUR 35/group
(no restrictions on the number of rods)
Permit area:
Hauhonselkä, Hiiriselkä, Ilmoilanselkä, Iso-Roinevesi, Leheejärvi, Painonselkä, Pyhäjärvi, Rääkkiä, Sappeenjärvi, Suolijärvi, Vihajärvi and Vähä-Roine.
The permit area encompasses the water areas of the Niemikunta fishery collective and the Hahkiala, Hauho parish village, Hyömäki, Ilmoila, Juttila, Kyttälä, Laitikkala, Miehoila, Okerla, Puutikkala, Sotjala, Syrjänta, Torvoila and Vitsiälä joint property management associations in the aforementioned lakes. Area: 8,218 ha
The permit is a personal angling permit with no restrictions on the number of rods. The permit does not authorise its holder to fish on Kopsjoki, Lehdesmäenjoki, Vuolle in Hauho, Lampaansalmi, Ruumiinsalmi, Syväsalmi, Vittastaipaleensalmi, the Vihavuosi rapids and the area of Virtainsilta.
Permitted fishing methods: fly fishing, spinning and trolling.
The joint property management associations’ permits in the Hauho fishing area
The joint property management associations permit fishing based on an angling permit granted by other joint property management associations of the same lake. In other words, you can purchase a permit from one joint property management association and fish in the entire basin. Check the permitted area when purchasing a permit.
Permit sales locations:
Boat launching spot:
Hauho marina, Alvettula – boat ramp, Torvoila village shore
Alvettulan kyläkauppa (finnish only)
Rönnvik wine shop and café (finnish only)
Villa Hepolahti
Heikkilän juustola (finnish only)
Suttinen berry farm
Country shop Kesän Maku (finnish only)