Fish recipes


Cut the filleted pike into strips.

Place the strips in a freezing bag, for example, and add in some regular grilling marinade.

Let marinate in the refrigerator for a few hours.

Fry the strips and chow down.

Perch burgers

Deep fried perch fillets      

  • Perch fillets
  • Eggs
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Paprika
  • Salt
  • White pepper

Dip the perch fillets in a mix of eggs, breadcrumbs and seasoning. Fry in plenty of oil in a deep pan for a few minutes.


  • Reissumies rye bread
  • Lettuce
  • Fresh onion rings
  • Red wine vinegar
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Oil
  • Lemon
  • Deep fried perch fillets

Let the fresh onion rings marinate in red wine vinegar seasoned with sugar, salt and oil for at least a few hours. Toast the Reissumies slices in a toaster and assemble the burgers.

Canned roach

  • 1 kg of gutted and chopped up roach
  • 1–2 dl of ketchup or tomato purée
  • 1–2 dl of oil
  • 2–3 chopped up onions
  • salt, peppercorns, bay leaves, dill

Clean the roach thoroughly (scale them, remove all fins, the head and tail and wash the inside of the fish with a toothbrush, for example) and chop up into suitable portions.

You can supplement the basic recipe above with your own preferred ingredients, such as garlic, olives, capers, chilli, bacon.

Stack the fish portions into clean glass jars and spoon in the mixed seasonings, bay leaves, etc. so that each jar is 2/3 full. This will prevent the contents from gushing out during heating. Close the jar lids tight and place the jars on the grill of a cold oven. Set the oven temperature to 120 degrees and let stew for 4–5 hours depending on the size of the fish. Then set the oven temperature to zero and let the jars cool down slowly in the oven (this way the jars won’t crack open). Store the cooled down jars in the cellar or refrigerator.


  • 0.5 kg                 of pike fillets
  • 2 dl                     of double cream
  • 1 dl                     of crème fraîche
  • 15 g (1 tablespoon)         of salt
  • lemon peel
  • white bread
  • vegetable oil
  • butter

Put the skinned and deboned pike fillets in a blender and add salt.

Blend into an even paste.

Add the cream and crème fraîche as a narrow band. Shred in the peel of half a lemon and mix it into the paste. If you wish, you can also add in some chopped prawns or small pieces of pike-perch, herbs (such as shredded dill) and ground pepper.

Put the paste in a bowl and place in the refrigerator for a moment. In the meantime, cut the white bread into small cubes and place them in a dish.

Use a tablespoon to shape the fish paste into suitably sized balls and drop them in with the bread cubes. Roll and move the fish balls around gently so that the bread cubes stick evenly on to their surfaces.

Heat up a frying pan and add in the oil. Fry the breaded fish balls until they are a nice brown colour. At this point you can also flatten the balls to make them more steak-shaped. Once both surfaces are fried, add several dollops of butter into the pan. Let the steaks cook in the butter until done. If you wish, you can also cook the steaks in the oven by heating it to 180 degrees and cooking the steaks for 5–8 minutes.

Simple burbot soup

  • 1 l of fish stock
  • 10 peppercorns
  • bay leaf
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 onion
  • leek
  • 6–8 potatoes
  • 2 dl of double cream
  • butter
  • salt
  • dill
  • skinned burbot

Place the skinned burbot in one litre of boiling water. Add in a fish stock cube, ten peppercorns and a bay leaf and let boil until the fish is done (approximately 15 minutes). If you wish, add in the burbot’s liver so that it boils for approximately 10 minutes.

Lift out the fish and debone it thoroughly. Sweat a few chopped carrots, a diced onion and a piece of leek on a pan, add 6–8 chopped potatoes and then cook them in the stock. Once the vegetables are cooked, add in the chopped fish, liver, a few decilitres of cream and a dollop of butter. Bring to a boil and add salt if necessary. Garnish the soup with fresh dill, if you wish.

Bon appétit!

World's best pike-perch soup

  • 2 onions
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • olive oil
  • half a leek
  • half a fennel
  • a few potatoes
  • carrots
  • celery
  • 2 tablespoons of white wine vinegar
  • 1 tin of crème fraîche
  • 2 dl of double cream
  • 2 dl of dry white wine
  • 8 dl of fish stock
  • ground fresh parsley and basil
  • pike-perch

Chop up a few onions and cloves of garlic, half a leek and dice half a fennel, celery and some potatoes and a carrot. Sweat them in oil and add a few tablespoons of white wine vinegar. Add 8 dl of fish stock and a few decilitres of dry white wine (the rest go to the chef).

Let boil until the vegetables are nearly done. Garnish with salt and pepper. Then add the cream, 1 tin of crème fraîche and the deboned pike-perch pieces. Taste for salt. Once the fish is done, finish the soup with fresh basil and parsley.

Bon appétit!

Stuffed sesame perch

  • skinless perch fillets
  • sesame seeds
  • eggs
  • salt
  • white pepper


  • prawn-flavoured cream cheese
  • chopped prawns
  • chives
  • salt
  • lemon juice
  • butter for frying
  • shredded dill and some lemon juice for garnish

Prepare the stuffing. Mix the ingredients and check the flavour. Salt and pepper the perch fillets and let marinate, preferably for a few hours. Dip the perch fillets in egg and sesame seeds.

Fry the fillets in a hot pan quickly, but make sure that they do not dry out too much. Spread a desired amount of stuffing on a fried fillet and top it off with another similarly sized fillet to make stuffed steaks.

Squeeze some lemon juice and shred some dill on top of the steaks. Serve with a side of potatoes and oven-baked root vegetables.

Turn your ice fishing catch into fish crosp or dry fish soup

Looking for tips on what to make out of all the small fish you caught ice fishing? Last autumn, we asked fishers who carried out management fishing for tips on utilising small fish. Below are the recipes received from Elina Ignatius, which are originally from North Karelia.


  • Gut the fish and split the largest ones lengthwise. You can also remove the backbones, through this is not strictly necessary. Add some salt and let the fish marinate for a few hours in the refrigerator.
  • Place the fish on a baking tray (with or without baking paper).
  • Dry the fish in mild heat until thoroughly crispy.

This method will produce traditional crisps that preserve for a long time and are particularly popular among children. Small fish bones are not a problem either.


  • 3–4 potatoes
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1 coffee cup of barley groats
  • salt
  • pepper
  • water
  • dried roach

Peel and dice the potatoes and onion. Chop up the fish. Boil the potatoes, onion and barley groats in seasoned water until half done, then add in the fish. Let boil until done. Check the flavour.